Sunday, July 12, 2009

Pour Moi { for me }

As I am always completing projects for others, it actually feels odd to be working on one for myself. The hard part comes when I am not handed a "list" of what the client wants. Usually my client says, "I want it red, with brown stripes, butterflies flying, with the word Joanna in the middle, very girly," or something to that effect. Some are DETAILED and some are just DO WHATEVER you want, but oh, but here is what I like...
So when I got a creative wave a few weeks ago, it was hard to get started as I needed to decide what did I want? WEIRD, but it was a fun challenge.
I decided to paint the white step stool in the kids bathroom. Here is the rundown of the project.
STEP 1- Sand and double coat, I mixed a turquoise green.
STEP 2- Adding bubbles, red trim and a box
STEP 3- double coat everything, add a scripture, feet print and old faucet tops
STEP 4- Splatter with black, distress the edges and add a top coat
The Wash & Dry between the Hot and Cold old faucets
Bubbles above the little bird on a tree
Baby feet print. You make these with the side of your hand and use your fingerprints for the toes. If you have not done with with your kiddos, its always a hit. Avi Joy steps up on them when getting to the counter, cute.
Add scripture. I chose, "'Heave is My throne & the earth is My footstool, what kind of house will you build for Me?' Says the Lord." Acts 7:49
View of the side. I was pleased with the color, splatter and distressed combo.
Complete and now in the bathroom. Avi Joy is brushing her teeth on her new stool!
Painting pour moi,

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What a difference a shirt makes...

I was having one of those days when I just could not decide what to wear. (Tag it along with the excess eating, irritability & bloating and you can get the picture.) After several shirts I decided on my Hanoi tee that we bought at the Propaganda Art Shop in Vietnam.

We all head out the door to take Nehemiah to his Dr.'s check up and as I walk up to the counter there is a guy working on the computer.
He asks me, "Have you been to Vietnam?"
I say, "Yes, twice... have you?"
He says, "Yes, twice."
I am in total shock.
Everyone knows this never happens.
I became ecstatic and full of questions.
Come to find out there is a local church that has started taking 2 trips a year to VN to do some work.
He casually says, "Yeah my wife wants to move there. And she is serious."
Adam and I get a big laugh out of this : )
We talk all about what cities we visited and how it is hard to just up and move because all the "details" seem overwhelming. (job, house, school)

AND the funny thing was when I asked the guy his name, he told me, but tagged on, "Oh and I actually don't work here, I was just called in from my company for tech support. I am finished and need to get going." I MEAN WOW.

It was a precious reminder from the Lord that He knows my heart. He knows what makes it sing. We pray for open doors daily to connect us and our children to Vietnam and here was an answered prayer.

Needless to say, I called the churches m-pastor when I got home and we are hoping to go someday - or help send.

I know most families integrate their children's heritage to some extent. Some way more than others. For us, its just a love for our children and their birthland that cannot be separated.

We have hooked up with one of the local VN churches and on August 23rd are starting Vietnamese lessons! Avi Joy, my mom and I will be attending. How awesome is it that my mom wants to join us, The Amazing NanNa!

"And so I will show My greatness and My holiness, and I will make Myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord." Ezekiel 38:23

Wishin I was Sippin some Vietnamese coffee (with condensed milk)