Friday, May 28, 2010
Perfect Timing...
Part two to that story was two years later I was yet again struggling and wouldn't you know it, I found that card in my bible on the exact day she wrote it two years before. Now, let's put this in perspective, I use this bible daily and did not see this card for two years, it was apparently stuck in some obscure place. As Beth Moore puts it, "I could have a garage sale out of my bible," I am one of those types. I was in shock that it was indeed the same day two years later and I needed to heed those same verses again. She empowered me with prayer and encouraged me with scriptures and for that I am grateful.
I have a friend struggling. As women we all know those times when we feel like we just can't get it right. I call it the "And Then Syndrome." You and your hubby have a fight, and then the vacuum breaks, and then your kid gets sick, and then you have a bad hair day, and then you eat a whole pie, and then... you get the picture.
This precious friend can do all things, but her character is being attacked. You can't do ____, you're too ___ to do that, no one cares about your opinions, you're ____, oh and while you're down, I throw a big heapa ____ on you.
The Lord spoke to my heart about you.
This is for you sweet friend. 25 things I love about you!
You are a great listener
You love your husband and children
You know your faults and work on them
You love God's Word
You serve at church
You are very funny
You have beautiful blue eyes
You are adventurous
You are a great role model
You have a gentle spirit
You think before you speak, even though you don't think so
You have a good haircut, haha
You do not let your past hold you back from your future
You are transparent
You are trustworthy with secrets
You stick with people through trials
You are respected by your family and friends
You are weak and know to depend on God
You journal for your children, what a gift
You are full of life and energy
You like a good bargain
You always make meals for others
You are not controlled by your shortcomings
You tell good stories
You comfort and encourage others
I love having you in my life!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Food "Issues" and recipes
I have been completely and totally disgusted by certain foods lately.
Specifically- Why does every single label I check have ingredients I cannot read or pronounce. Let alone "know" off the top of my head what those ingredients actually are. I mean I could be eating dog puke under the name hydrothrowupide. Mmm, yum. Add some of that to my yogurt ok?
At my house I try to stay away from three things. (And it is challenging at the store. This is why we have fallen in love with making food from scratch. Yes, we eat out and it is delish, but 75% of the time, I want it fresh with ingredients I can name. Breads, cookies, veggies, etc.)
1. No Partially hydrogenated oils- just google it, it will gross you out.
2. High Fructose Corn Syrup- I stick with good ol' sugar (or butter, cream or as natural as possible ingredients not Crisco or margarine)
3. Soy products. This one is the hard one. It IS IN everything. Go look at your Ranch, soybean oil- first ingredient, or your crackers, rices, cereal bars... soy lecithin or soy protein. Not the type of soy in Asia, minimally processed natural soybeans or soy flour. Were talking genetically engineered foods here people. We are only "supposed" to have 2 tsp a day of soy, yet it is in everything. The hard fact that hit home was my girlfriend diagnosed with breast cancer and the first thing they said, "NO SOY."
I am going more and more granola every day.
What is the world feeding us? What are we putting in our bodies? I am all about enjoying food and eating processed foods in moderation, (Um, yes, I say Bueno!) but day in and day out, what are we eating?
We all need to up the whole wheat, fruits, veggies and making things from scratch- not with the added dangers of over-processed, thick with preservatives, added oils, imitations sugars and in taking things we cannot even name! I am not even going into my thinking on meats. I only eat lean meats, such as chicken. I do not eat red meat. Not a vegetarian or vegan. And I have no "oh don't hurt the animal issues." This is about everything but the meat post.
I follow several blogs of healthy cooking, use daily and get in the kitchen to make things from scratch- so fun and soooo yummy! What a sweet reward to make a meal or dessert and you know exactly what is in it!
This week my favorite was: Peanut Butter Baked Oatmeal
I made it different each day, see what you like best. And Oh my, I cannot wait until the morning I will be having it again!
1 1/2 cups quick oats
1/2 cup brown sugar (or white, honey, guava juice, etc)
1 cup milk (organic cow, almond, rice, etc)
1 TB butter (or coconut, etc)
1 egg (or make a flax egg- 1 TB flaxseed to 3 TB water)
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla (or oh yes try it with pure maple extract)
1/4 c peanut butter (or crunchie, almond butter, etc)
1 TB wheat germ
1 whole banana chopped and stirred in before baking
1/4 c barley quick oats
Bake in a 8 x 8 pan (or easily doubles in a 9 x 13) at 350 for 15-20 minutes.
Serve dry or over warm milk.
OR even better- omit sugars and make a maple glaze to go on top!
1 TB butter
1 1/4 c powered sugar
1 tsp maple extract
2 TB milk
You will thank me.
As for a Ranch-like dipping sauce, here is Natasha's twisted Greek sauce.
1 c plain Greek yogurt
1 TB garlic
1 tsp both sea salt and fresh ground pepper
1 peeled cucumber chopped
8 oz cream cheese
1 TB lemon juice
1 ripe avocado
Add everything to food processor and blend until smooth. Refrigerate and serve on a sandwich or with chips. I had it like prayer today, just about added it to everything! I love making up recipes!
My sugar cookies were a hit this week:
1 c sugar
1 c butter
3 egg yokes
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp almond extract
1 c whole wheat flour
1 c unbleached all purpose flour
1/2 oats
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp cream of tarter
1/4 c apple sauce
350 for 10 minutes- they will not look done, pull them out anyway and let them cool.
I put homemade icing and sprinkles on them.
We all enjoy good food, right? Let's make it a mission to enjoy healthy foods more often and take a stand against mysterious ingredients!
What am I trying tomorrow?
Saturday, May 8, 2010
A new fishbowl.
Instead of keeping up with blogworld, I have been busy cleaning, painting, organizing, packing, and oh yea, being a good wife and mommy during the day to my two kiddos...
Why all this fuss??
We have been busy preparing our house to sell.

When my hubby and I felt God was leading us to move (not a world away, in the same area) I broke down crying. I mean, I just could not let go of this house.
I attended a homeschooling conference recently and the speaker shared how we women can let our homes become an idol that we serve, over the Lord. Ouch- I felt like she said that just for me! I surrendered this to God, then surrendered it again and again. Eventually I went from crying, literally tears flowing every night, to embracing the feeling that the Lord has something really good in store for us and the message was clear: "Get Your House In Order. I have plans for you," declares the Lord.
We are now spending our free time looking at houses and continuing to make our own home, which is on the market now, look as best as possible. And if you ever wanted another full time job, try keeping the house perfect with a two and four year old in toe. But it's getting better and easier. My prayer is for the right family (who wants a garden!) to fall in love with this house and for us to find a place we love as well.
Today was a good house hunting day. We had driven to over 50 homes. We went inside about 10 of them and hated them. I mean like- never wanted to live there. Today we saw inside 5 more. Two of them we liked, realllly liked. It actually got me excited.
Did I review my list as I saw them? Yes. But ultimately I want what God has for us over my list.
Which, if you are curious, includes things (some silly) like: how far is Wal-Mart, how far to church, is there a park close by, 4 bedrooms, school district, etc... You know stay at home mom requirements.
And `sidenote. How come in all those other times of moving, I just moved. No list, no real preferences. The home we are in right now was the third house we saw. Walked in, yep, we'll take it. Sigh.
In January we posted this verse on our fridge-
Isaiah 43:19
"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."
It was in reference to my horrible season of unwanted fears and anxiety. The Lord holds me tight and is working on me in this area, but little did I know that so many new things would be springing up...
Getting close to a new kiddo joining our family
Adam's company moved locations this week
Baby explosion- all my family & friends are expecting new little ones
New adventure in homeschooling
New fuel efficient car for commute for Adam (on the back burner though)
New, New, New."He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!
And then He said to me, "Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true." Revelation 21:5