My cousin Jansen and her boyfriend Brian, Adam and I all have birthdays within 3 weeks of one another. Three of us in the same week! Well us girls wanted to celebrate with going to So You Think You Can Dance. While all my friends were out seeing Wicked or attending the U2 concert, we were out with the other tweens watching the best dancing and choreography ever!
So you think you can?? YES WE DO!
Here are some of our favorite things from the evening.
Kupono's plug for the SYTYCD Workout DVD. So funny I cried. Because the next day was Halloween they all came out in costume as well. Jeanine sucking her thumb totally got me.Adam's favorite Philip doing his solo.
My favorite Janette. I LOVE the whole group water dance. Super hot.
Everyone gave Brandon a standing O for his solo. Amazing.
The closing of the show. It was a super time and our seats were awesome.
We stayed after to take pictures with the top 12 dancers. Kupono is Jansen's other boyfriend so she was thrilled to give him a kiss. Just kidding, she wishes.
I will say they were all so beautiful in person, but truly Jeanine surpassed them all. She was BEAUTIFUL beyond words really.
With Philip...
She took over 200 pics inside and I took tons after... I don't want to completely bore you with all of them. The other dances that stood out for me were The Ballywood number, The Butt Dance and The Disco- if you are a fan of the show you will know all these. We so love Mia, Wade and Sonya. They are our favorite choreographers.
Happy Birthday to us!
Okay, be prepared to show me ALL the photos when I'm there in a couple of weeks. Did they do the Addiction routine. I loved that one!