Thursday, December 3, 2009

Advent Adventures Part Hai (2 in Vietnamese)

Please see previous post for Days 1-10.
I also have a friend who posted about her Advent box for 2009 and she posted her complete 25 day Advent from 2008 (it is SO awesome- check it out!)

We mostly use Avi Joy's "Read with Me Bible" for these stories. They have great pictures and the amount of text is age appropriate.

So on with the show:

Day 11. Heart: Psalm 119:11. I have hidden Your Word in my heart.
12. Nail: Unless the Lord builds the house- Psalm 127:1. Then build and decorate a gingerbread house. (Without nails of course... you may have thought it was for Jesus's hands- we are not ready for that yet!)
13. Candy: Psalm 34:8. "Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who trusts in Him."
14. Map: Mark 16:15. "Go into all the world and preach the good news."
15. Bar of soap: Having a clean heart. Psalm 24:4-5 (she loves taking baths with actual bar-soap, so she will get to use it next bathtime.)
16. Key: Paul and Silas locked in prison and then released. Acts 13 and 16
17. Cotton ball: Psalm 100:3. We are like sheep.
18. Ring: Isaac and Rebekah get married. Genesis 24.
19. Torn piece of paper: Ecc 3. A time for everything. It is torn and she will get to mend it with tape.
20. Net: Matt 4. Called to be fishers of men. (I am using an avocado net)
21. Two silver coins: The good Samaritan gives 2 coins, Luke 10.
22. Little wash cloth: Jesus washes his disciples feet. John 13
23. Empty: the tomb is empty, so nothing will be inside. Matthew 28.
24. Sugar packet: Bake a cake for Jesus.
25. Star: The star of Bethlehem. Matthew/Luke's story of Jesus' birth on Christmas morning and we might even let them eat cake for breakfast- ahhhhhhh!

Again, hope these ideas spur you on in your parenting. I know many of my ideas come from watching and listening to others- the rest come straight from God!

P.S. Our Advent box came from Target. I searched many places last year for the right one. Target had the most selection, so many beautiful ones. I leave mine up year round- I love it.

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