I have several friends doing 365 projects. Writing and posting pictures each day of 2010. What I think is crazy about this is that I am going to KNOW these people better than some of my closest friends. These are all "blog-friends" and when you have them plugged into google reader, they pop up as to say, "Good morning, here was my day yesterday." When in reality I don't even know how my best friend, parents or sometimes even husbands day was yesterday! Weird. But I continue to check, right? A few of my favorites (not necessarily daily blogs):
For great musings and story telling I love Lawerish.
Family fun with Amy.
For ALL things Crafty.
Life in Vietnam.
And a host (but more could be added!) of other beautiful families that I so enjoy their lives.
My mom's theme: "Fit and Thin in Two Thousand Ten." I am convinced that I will see this slogan on TV very soon, by someone like Denise Austin. She coined other special catch phrases, such as, "If you don't squeeze it, no one else will."
Some friends are pressing themselves to do new things. Like the Daniel Fast, becoming vegetarian or training for a marathon.
Some friends are pressing themselves to do new things. Like the Daniel Fast, becoming vegetarian or training for a marathon.
And other general things I have heard this last week: becoming more balanced, saying NO more often and being more generous with our time, talent and treasure.
I will start off by saying that I have done resolutions every year. I went to look for my 7th grade journal where I wrote my first New Year's resolutions, but could only find back to 1998. I think those before that are in the attic and its just too cold for searching! But I remember that was the first year I heard about this type of thing. I pulled out a notebook, jumped on my bed and wrote ten things down to work on that year. I am sure it was things like, make up a dance to Salt n' Pepa or get a spiral perm.
This year was EASY. I am narrowing down on life and what I am passionate about.
1. Getting the novel in my head out on paper. I know this will not be completed this year, but it is going to start this year. I have several novels in my head, but one is on my mind the moment I wake up and throughout my dreams. I heard that out of every ten people who want to write a novel (or as Adam has been teasing me from American Idol auditions, a novella. Which is longer than a noveletta but shorter than a novel) only ONE actually writes the novel. I have decided this will be me.
2. Continuing to learn Vietnamese. I am going to start saving for the, gulp, very expensive Rosetta Stone. I do NOT want to stop lessons for three months in the summer and have the desire to keep exposing my brain (and ears) to the language. Along with this I would like a Vietnamese bible and some children's books.
3. Planting a garden. Yes, in my backyard there will be fruit and veggies. I want to plant, tend, grow and eat what God makes. I am SO excited and know absolutely nothing about how to start, but the passion is there so I am going to do it. I also would like to can. So my grandmother can be expecting a call from me when tomatoes are coming out the wazoo.
Well, that is it.
I could go on and on about adoption and other desires. OR that I need to continuing to work on freedom from fears and anxiety. Or making sure I am a great wife and mom who always has dinner on the table and a clean kitchen... but those things are ever evolving and never ending areas. The Lord has His own areas that He prunes and to Him I am beyond thankful that what does not bear fruit in my life is pruned. I want a life to glorify Him first and foremost. Without His guidance, I am truly nothing.
The word of the year will be Faithful.
The scripture of the year will be Romans 8:28:
"And we KNOW that in ALL things (good, bad and otherwise) God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
Quote of the year: God does not call the equipped, He equips the called.
Have a wonderful 2010,
Like your goals! The garden is on my list. BTW, I'll read your novel. If it's good. Just kidding. I'll read it!
ReplyDeleteI am so excited about the novel!!! I'll be your editor! Seriously... :)
ReplyDeleteA novel...that would be awesome! I am in awe of you for learning Vietnamese. That is something I would love to do. A garden is on my to-do list for this year too :o)