Started on a new project. I realize this picture is not the best, but you will get the idea. I have been saving my favorite baby clothes of Avi Joy's over the last three years and I have started on her baby clothes quilt. She and I have been cutting, ironing and piecing together the most precious keepsake gift from mama to daughter.
I was blessed to book 6 jobs for Christmas. Here are 3 of the pieces.
Last name, Gibson...Baby name, Samuel...
Family Tree, Catalano...
Time to share the heavy:
Here are some quotes and verses that are helping me though this tough season. Some from sermons, friends or from counseling. The main verses (not all listed here, its about 60 verses) I am calling it Fear Detox. I am about 75% through them. Some I just need to commit to memory and let them change me from the inside out. If you know that feeling, read on...
Most frequent quote from the Bible is “Do not be afraid, fear not.”
Faith or fear? Fret or lean? Worry or Trust? Worthless or Worthwhile?
We can lose focus of God and put all our focus on the “issue”.
Defeat the issue by doing your job. Loving God. Defeating it with His Word.
Not living in imagination, but whatever is true. (Phil 4)
He gives us Power through the Holy Spirit to Stand against temptation in the battle.
Starts in a thought, plant the seed, takes root becomes a stronghold.
Touching the hem of His garment. Bringing our issue to Jesus. Come to Him.
Why play at satan’s gates when we are a child of the King?
Its got to be Godward or its just downward.
Why is this allowed in my life?
Called: Progressive Santification
And it is painful- but He works ALL things… Romans 8
Hook up with the power source- stay in the vine! (John 15)
Look at this time in our life as a Stepping Stone and not a stumbling block.
Why do something? To overcome? NO, to please the Lord and be empowered to overcome by His Spirit.
All the things I have are in Him. Anything that tells me otherwise is a lie! (John 8)
Not in my abilities but in my dependence on the Lord.
Could make me into a beautiful squash in one season but He wants me as a mighty oak tree!
Darkness has no power over the light. It is overcome by the Light. (word study on Light)
Is That True? Than am I giving in to what is false or trusting my God?
“How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him, but if Baal is god, follow him.” 1 Kings 18:21
God wants the best for my children even more than I do!!!
And my favorite from today:
God always has an agenda for me when I look to Him. Its less of me and more of Him. It is destroying that which destroys me so that He can be elevated to His proper place. If you look to Him, you will become more like Him.
Have a wonderful week,
A couple more things to meditate on...
ReplyDeletePhilippians 4:4-8 - Commit this one to memory! There is so much truth and "meat" in this verse!!!
Also, did you know that "Do not be afraid" or "Fear Not" occurs 365 times in the Bible??? One for each day of the year. Remind Satan of that each day!!!
I am in complete awe of your talent girl! You can tell that you have totally tapped into your gifts from the spirit. We all have seasons and you will move through yours. So proud to know you and call you a friend!!