Saturday, May 9, 2009

Major Flaw

I have a major flaw. I am easily offended. I wish I was a let it roll of my back kind of person, but I am not, getting better, but not great at it. I will say once I am over something, I am over it. I rarely hold bitterness or resentment, but it takes a bit of thinking and prayer to get over an issue.
I was offended today.

Our family was at Hobby Lobby enjoying a Mothers Day treat. I have been having serious creative withdrawl so my treat was beads for making earrings and a canvas. I plan on vearing from my usual watercolor mode and doing an acrylic painting. I am sure Vietnam inspired, but we shall see.

We had a great time shopping and as we proceed to checkout, the cashier says...
"Where are your children from?"
I say, "Vietnam."
She says,"My grandson is from Kazakhstan, but three years after they got home, they had their own child. Its weird how that happens."
I say, "Well, all children are a blessing from God." Then walk away or I would have said...
"OK, here's the deal. You do NOT say that to a family built through adoption. All I hear and all my children hear is 'You are second best to a biological child and you are not really their own child,' you need to watch your words you idiot."

Obviously if I am blogging about it, I am not over it yet. I KNOW it comes with the territory and I try to handle it the best I can, today it was just hard for some reason. I mean I was there celebrating MOTHERS DAY, I am a real mom for crying out loud. Which is what I did on the way home.

I was reading a book about women's widsom and this woman in her 90's was giving advice.
I think this really says a lot about life...
"If it bothers you, let it go. Just let it go."
sip, sip,


  1. Hi Natasha! I am so with you on the easily offended thing. I am found that I am most often offended about things when they deal with something I am passionate about. What I have started doing is to force myself to realize that those people offending me almost never have any mal-intent. They simply stuck their foot in their mouth. I have a foot shaped space in my mouth too, so I must forgive them.

    Hey - do you mind if I add your blog to my blog roll?

  2. I'm so with you!! You've heard a few of my stories. I think us adults are way more offended at this stage than the kids. Thanks for sharing your struggle. I need to work more on letting it roll off also!

  3. I've always said that a person's weaknesses are also their biggest strengths. So you are easily offended. But I think you are also SUPER in tune with other's feelings. Most good people (like you) have found a way to turn their weaknesses into strengths, and I think you do just fine. So there, just go with it! :)

  4. It's hard to let it go...even harder when your kids are old enough to understand the dumb questions some people ask right in front of they don't have ears! So frustrating!

    Heather M.

  5. Oh, my, I have had many comments like that! It's even harder when your adopted child gets older and a peer says a comment like that to HER (which happened recently to my daughter). It was heartbreaking. I'm very sensitive,too... and, like you I LOVE to plan. We seem to have a lot in common!
