Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 12

Jeremiah 37- Jeremiah thrown into a dungeon. The king comes to him to ask if he has heard a word from the Lord. He also begged the king to release him to the courtyard so he would live and survived the imprisonment.

Jeremiah 38- God sent a guy named Ebed-Melech to save Jeremiah from a muddy cistern. He continued to deliver the Word of the Lord even when it wasn't what people wanted to hear. Sounds like our present day...

Psalm 12- Verse 6, "And the Words of the Lord are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times."

Proverb 12- Good stuff about the consequences of the wicked and protection of the righteous. The righteous flourish, he escapes trouble, overlooks an insult and is truthful. Verse 28, "In the way of righteousness there is life." This can be compared with John 20:31, "Believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His Name." Amen.

Homemade Carrot Oat Muffins w/Raspberry puree
Avocado w/ sesame chips
Bean and lettuce wrap w/ hot sauce
Orange Strawberry Pineapple fruit smoothie
Carrot muffin w/ almond butter
Cajun sweet potato fries

-The muffins I made were amazing! Eating something breadish was great.
-I can only wake up so early (6am daily) but my daughter is so early to rise that she always comes in during my quiet time with God. I love her and want to teach her and let her have her own quiet time, but this morning she must have had coffee on the way to my closet (where I read) and I was more irritated than focused.


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